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Practice Update

Posted on 30 August 2021

To all our wonderful clients and fellow pet parents!

As many of you know, our little practice was started by Dr Justin nearly 10 years ago, and with Dr Mat joining a couple of years later has grown tremendously into what we have today. The team of two that started our practice all those years ago has grown to twenty-four, thanks to your ongoing support! Running the practice and ensuring our standards of care and customer service are constantly met, has become a full time job. We have also found that despite building a bigger hospital and expanding our team considerably, we are still often at capacity and struggle to see all the patients we need to on any given day.

With this in mind, we have made the decision to reduce the hours of rostered consulting that both Dr Justin and Dr Mat are doing.

Rest assured both Dr Justin and Dr Mat will still be working the hours they always have, and will be physically at the practice all week. Their roles will however be shifting to providing constant support to the other vets and overseeing patient care and customer service to ensure our high standards are being met by all our staff. Dr Justin will also be focusing more on his surgery, which has grown considerably and allows our hospital to provide surgical services that most other local practices can’t. Both will also be able to handle the emergencies and extras that often need to be squeezed in, despite being already fully booked on most days.

We feel this change will allow our practice to use the skill and experience of both Dr Justin and Dr Mat across the entire team, and allow them to provide effective leadership and ensure our practice culture stays as good as it is! Both will still be available for consultations for those clients who would prefer to only see them, however there will be small reductions in their availability. If clients do end up seeing other vets their influence and input will still be provided, although we do feel we have employed some of the best vets on the coast and to be honest, most of them are much smarter (and better looking!) than both Dr Justin and Dr Mat combined!

We appreciate your understanding and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or experience any issues with your visits to Reedy Creek Veterinary Surgery.

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